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Akashic Records is the story of your soul, an energetic record of your soul’s journey through time and space.

Everything is energy, and as your soul moves through time and space, it creates an energetic record. This energetic record is your Akashic Record. Opening your Akashic Record is going into the energy of the origin of your soul and understanding your life from your soul's point of view. This might be an unfamiliar way of looking at the Akashic Records, perhaps you are more familiar with thinking of the Akashic Records as a book or library if that is how you would like to perceive or conceptualize the Akashic Records that is fine with me. The Akashic Records have information on the past, present, and potential future.​ It should be noted that for questions regarding the future, the future's not set in stone there is the possibility for change. All information coming from the Akashic Records is at soul level, a good way to think of it is looking at the big picture. The Akashic Records don't pass judgment or label actions as good or bad; they state what has been. In my experience the energy of the Akashic Records is loving, that is because the masters and teachers of the Akashic Records are here to support you in your journey.

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